Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Adult | Female | Adopted

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On Saturday, July 25th, OBG Cocker Rescue facilitated the rescue of 46 dogs off of a property in Virginia.  These dogs were living in a hot barn without anyone to give them proper exercise or keep their water dishes filled.  They are now safe with OBG vets and getting the care and attention they need.  This is a massive undertaking and currently these dogs are not available for adoption.

Noel is a pretty red head.  She is five years old and weighs 24 pounds.  Right now, she doesn't feel so well and is resting and dreaming of a new home.   As she begins to feel better, her personality will shine through and we will know more about her.  Keep checking her bio as we will update it as soon as Noel gives us the ok.  

Noel's Sponsors