Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Adult | Male | Adopted

Four year old Blaze came to OBG when his family was preparing for a second baby.  He had lived with a toddler and a Labrador Retriever and got along well with both. In his foster home there are three other cockers and he quickly learned to fit in with them. He is very energetic and people mistake him for a puppy due to his size (he needs to fatten up a little) and the way he bounces around full of energy and enthusiasm.

Blaze was diagnosed with diabetes in Nov. 2012.  But he doesn't let that stop him. He can do anything his foster brothers can do and is always out in front when they go for their daily walk. Blaze gets insulin injections twice a day after meals. He doesn't mind the shots at all and they are easy to give. Blaze and his buddy spent a lot of time outdoors so he is relearning his indoor manners. Once he regains some weight and we are certain his diabetes is under control, he will be able to go to his forever home.

Blaze's Sponsors

Happy Holidays from Parker and Olive Belle! (S)