Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue

New to OBG


Welcome and thank you for volunteering!  All our volunteers are automatically added to our volunteer list serve (our primary communication vehicle), which includes a weekly volunteer eNews email, as well as other emails for urgent volunteer needs.  Please note that if you unsubscribe to an email in Constant Contact you will no longer receive any OBG email.  If you need your email preferences altered, please contact our volunteer coordinator.  Our volunteer coordinator is Sue Cannon (volunteer@cockerspanielrescue.com).  She can always point you in the right direction if you have questions.

Getting Involved

Many people tell us that they sign up with OBG to spend time with the dogs.  So here are a few ways to start doing just that!  If you're interested in wearing an OBG shirt to these events (it is completely optional!), OBG merchandise can be found here.

Adoption Shows

One of the easiest ways to get started with OBG is to attend an adoption show.  It's a great way to meet other volunteers and get some face time with OBG's foster dogs!  You can volunteer to handle a dog, transport a dog, take pictures, or even work a bake sale (usually in summer months).  They are held in MD and VA, two to three weekends a month.  

How to get started: Check out the website for upcoming shows and keep an eye on your email.  The weekly volunteer eNews provides further info on upcoming shows and the contact info for VA and MD show coordinators.  


If you have a flexible schedule and don't mind being on the road, our pups often need to hitch a ride.  Check out the detailed information about what our transports entail.

How to get started: As transport needs are often time sensitive (associated with new intakes or visits to vet specialists) most requests come via email requests.  We have a special list for people interested in transports, to which requests are sent first - to get added to that list, please email Sue at volunteer@cockerspanielrescue.com.  


Often, new volunteers are intimidated by fostering.  We're all dog lovers so let's face it, we all wonder "How on earth will I be able to give a dog up?"  You'll never know until you try!  And once you see the kind of loving adopters OBG gets, you'll be happy to see your foster dog "spread its wings" and go off to its forever home.  One way to get started is to answer a request for a temporary or vacation foster.  That way, you'll have already set your mindset to the dates the dog will be staying with you and it will be easier to say goodbye. Once you get your feet wet, you might want to "graduate" to a longer term foster - it really is one of the most rewarding things you'll ever do.

How to get started: Keep an eye on the weekly volunteer eNews and other emails for vacation or temporary foster requests.  You can also check out our Kenneled Dogs page to see who is waiting for a foster home to open up.  We also have a Foster Corner that includes key info for our foster volunteers.

In addition to requests that will be sent to you via email, our website lists additional ways you can volunteer with OBG.  And if you have any ideas for ways to help the group, by all means let us know!

About OBG

Who: OBG is a network of cocker spaniel (and mixes) lovers.  We are all volunteers.  We have a Board of Directors and Officers (Secretary and Treasurer) who serve two year terms.

What: OBG is a 501(c)3 registered non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of cocker spaniels and mixes of all ages.  We do not take in only the "highly adoptable" dogs; we also take seniors, those with special needs and the occasional "honorary" cocker spaniel.

When: Whether we like it or not, dogs need rescuing 24/7 - even on holidays.  That said, the majority of our volunteer work can be done virtually (if you wish) or at our many adoption shows and events throughout the year.  We also have open Board meetings throughout the year, to which volunteers are invited.

Where: OBG is officially based in Newington, VA, however we do not have a physical shelter/location.  The majority of our volunteers live in DC, MD and VA (and surrounding mid-Atlantic states).  We primarily bring in dogs from and adopt dogs out in this same region. 

Why: According to the ASPCA*, approximately 3.9 million dogs enter animal shelters nationwide every year.  Approximately 1.2 million dogs are euthanized in shelters.  OBG exists to help dogs like these, along with those in homes where their owners can no longer care for them.  We also promote spaying/neutering of all pets to help in the fight against pet overpopulation. 
