Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Young | Male | Available

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MEET MILO!  This gorgeous guy is 2.5 years old and 30 pounds.  Milo LOVES to play ball so having plenty of tennis balls around is a must.  As is a securely fenced yard a must for Milo due to his reactivity (barking, pulls) to passing bikers, joggers,  and skateboarders while out walking.  Milo prefers the suburbia life and isn't a city boy.  

Milo is perfect inside the home -- house trained, loving and friendly. He enjoys his foster's fully fenced yard and will chase balls and squirrels as he plays outside.  He is in his happy place!  Milo is a snuggler too and enjoys sleeping in the big bed at night.  Milo rode quietly in the car.

Milo has double cherry eyes.  They don't hurt and will be seeing the eye doctor the week of September 23 to schedule OBG-sponsored surgery to repair the cherry eyes.  It is a relatively  easy surgery with a fast recovery time.  

To learn more about adopting Milo, please email us at adoptme@cockerspanielrescue.com.