Special Happy Tail for Shawna

Every rescue and adoption has its own special story and we love each one! But sometimes a story perfectly exemplifies all we strive to accomplish in rescue and today it's Shawna's story. Warning: grab a tissue for happy tears!
Shawna was part of a hoarding situation with 32 other dogs and one of two pups still not adopted after 2 years at the shelter!! The shelter's vet said that Shawna was blind after one eye was removed and the other eye damaged from years of living in the urine-filled hoarder's home. Shawna was fearful, shut down, and scared of everything when she came to us in March but we knew she was special. Thank you Clarence for working her intake and transporting her!
After weeks in the kennel and a plea for a foster, OBG foster Mom Joyce happily offered to foster Shawna! Joyce provided stability, love, patience, calmness and more love for over six months until Shawna was ready for the next step in her life -- a forever home! Thank you, Joyce!
Last weekend, Shawna found a wonderful forever Mom and a two-legged sister. It takes a very special adopter to open their home to a special needs pup and we are SO HAPPY!