Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Adult | Male | Adopted

Patton is one of the "Be Mine Nine," a group of Cockers that previously lived with a backyard breeder in rural Virginia. These dogs were living in squalid conditions and most hadn't seen a vet or a groomer in five years. Some are blind, others were sick, but all are total sweethearts that deserve a second chance.

Even though he lived outdoors for most of his life, 5-6 year old Patton has picked up the art of housetraining in a snap and hasn't had any accidents in his foster home. He's mastered stairs and the doggy door and he just loves to romp around the yard with his canine foster siblings.

His foster mom told us two adorable stories:

Patton recently discovered his image in the mirror and it fascinated him.  Every chance he would get, he would walk up the mirror and give his reflection kisses. His foster mom quickly gave up trying to keep the mirror clean of dog slobber!
Patton loves to sleep in the bed with his foster parents.  At night, he rushes to get to the bed before his foster mom, then he lies down in her spot with his head on her pillow. The little stinker makes himself limp when she goes to move him. Then when she gets into bed to claim her place, he quickly moves back to snuggle as close to his foster mom as he can get, and that's where he stays all night long.

Patton has a heart murmur (grade 3 of 6) that we will have evaluated by a cardiologist. In general, a heart murmur of that grade will not affect his quality of life so long as he stays at a healthy weight. This sweet boy is ready and waiting for his forever home... how can you resist his adorable face?