Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Adult | Male | Adopted

Gordi was one of 29 animals, who were rescued from an animal hoarder's home. When Gordi was first rescued, he was thin and severely matted. Fortunately, as a young 4-year-old, he is ready to put all the sad times behind him and look toward a bright future. He is a young boy who would love daily walks so he can see all the sights and sounds, he's missed during the last four years. Gordi's first adventure was the long transport trip to OBG. We can only wonder what thoughts were flashing through his head.

Gordi will need a patient adopter who will instruct him on how to properly walk on a leash and what house manners are expected of him. Even though his early years were rather sad, he is fairly outgoing and wants to learn to trust people. At this time, we do not have first hand knowledge on how he would do with children or cats.