Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Young | Male | Available

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My name is Birch.  I'm one of nine "Flower Power Pups."  We're all pretty young, and I'm 2'ish years old and 21 pounds.  I lived a life as a breeder dog before coming to this wonderful rescue, so I've never walked on a leash, lived in a home or ridden in the car.  But, I can't wait to do all those things, and I'm looking for a foster or adopt home now.  I'm a really sweet, timid boy.  I'm working on my house training and leash manners while at the vet's office. They are all so nice to me.  New noises and sounds are pretty new to me, so I'm looking for the quieter life, as I'm not a city boy. If you can foster or adopt me, please email fosters@cockerspanielrescue.com.  I'm located in Alexandria, VA.