Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Adult | Female | Available

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Starla is ready to be the star at YOUR home!  Starla is a 6'ish- year-old, 15-pound beautiful Bichon.  Starla is looking for a forever home with her best friend, Sparkler!  

Starla is a sweet girl who patiently stands by her foster mom for attention.  She loves to be pet.  She just recently learned how comfortable sofas can be, and she'll wait to be lifted onto to one.  She loves her treats, particularly chicken. Starla has a fun, sweet personality, especially when she is with her stud-muffin Sparkler.  They both clearly love each other, so we would like to keep them together.  They take a little bit to warm up to new people, but when they do they are super sweet and adorable. Their ideal home is in the suburbs with a securely fenced yard.  They both do well with other dogs.  Children make them nervous, so teenagers and older is preferred.

Starla is in excellent health.  To learn more about Starla and Sparkler, please email adoptme@cockerspanielrescue.com