Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


| Female | Pending

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The freedom bell rang early for the Red, Woof & Blue Crew, including Liberty!  Liberty, lovingly called Libby by her foster family, is a 6-ish-year-old, 12-pound poodle.  Liberty was part of an 81-dog breeder bust, and OBG helped five pups to freedom!  

Libby loves the other pups in the home and tries to play with them!  Awww.  Libby must have another sweet, snuggly, playful pup in her forever home.  She is very timid around people and needs a quiet home with a securely fenced yard. She is working hard on house training and doing very well.  Libby is not a pup who could live in the city or condo/apartment. Libby's ideal forever home is with an experienced adopter who has lots of love and patience.

To learn more about Liberty, please email adoptme@cockerspanielrescue.com.  She is located in Northern VA.