Young | Female | Adopted
Hi everyone, my name is Eve! I am a cute 22 lb terrier mix with short, stumpy legs. I was found on the side of a busy highway with my buddy Adam. OBG was kind enough to accept us both as "honorary" cockers. We are not bonded to each other so we are happy to go our separate ways.
My foster home is a pretty great place! I get along wonderfully with both the dogs and cats here. In fact, I rub noses with them and give them kisses every chance I get. The humans here make great snuggle buddies and I follow them everywhere because they're such good company! I'm very well behaved so I get free roam of the house, I'm even welcome on the humans bed. I'm housebroken and crate-trained.
Unfortunately, I just tested heartworm positive. Because of your kind donations, I am now receiving my life saving treatments. I'm being big and brave and can't wait to join your family once I'm done. Are you my forever family?!
Eve's Sponsors
Special thanks to Eve's Cocker Angels -- Patty F. and another donor -- for sponsoring her heart worm treatment. They send best wishes for a speedy recovery and a loving forever home.