Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Young | Male | Adopted

Likes Dogs?
Likes Cats?
Likes Kids?

When you mix chocolate and tan, you get a Reese! I've been told that I am just as delicious to behold as a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup is to eat. (I've also been told that dogs cannot eat Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. It is a sad, sad world.)

I'm totally bonded with my brother, Hershey (sensing a theme?). I'm the leader and he is the follower and we love each other very much so we want to find a home that can handle twice the delicious, chocolate love.  I really love my cat sibling and like to smother the cat with licks!

Our previous owner was injured on the job and unable to take us for our daily walks or play with us. Since we are still young we enjoy going to the dog park and running around the backyard a lot.

Haven't you always wanted a bonded pair to love?  Contact our foster family soonest!