Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Young | Male | Adopted

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The Easter Bunny came to town and he brought us Tyson, an honorary Cocker who can hop on his back legs like a rabbit. Tyson's owner fell on hard times financially. Sadly, Tyson needed to be rehomed.

We're not sure exactly what Tyson is... not a Cocker, that's for sure! He's likely a mix of herding breeds like Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, or Cattle Dog. This high-energy 2-year-old loves dogs, cats, and older children. In his former home, he would run around in the fenced backyard. He also went to doggy daycare several times a week to play with his friends. When he's with his favorite humans, he loves to slobber you with kisses!

High energy dogs need a "job" to be happy. Once you and Tyson have completed obedience classes, he'd probably love agility, nose work, flyball, or just accompanying you on your morning run. Tyson also likes to make himself heard, so he'll need a single family home, preferably one with a fenced backyard.

Are you ready for a furry bundle of joy