Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue
  • Foster Homes Needed!

    OBG almost always has a need for foster homes. Can you open your home to help one of these precious pups? There are different fostering options--short term, long term, and weekend/vacation. Please email volunteer@cockerspanielrescue.com if you can help. 

Helping Cockers, Young and Old

Spring has Sprung!

Maple is blooming in her foster home and looking for her furever home now!  She's 6 years old, 20 pounds and would love a home with a securely fenced yard. Interested in adopting Maple? Please send us an email to learn more at adoptme@cockerspanielrescue.com






Save a life, adopt! Check out all our adoptable dogs and learn more about adopting through OBG.

We need you! Learn how your time can make a difference for this all-volunteer group.



Every little bit counts! Feel confident knowing that your donation will go directly to the dogs.

CFC# 27768



Use our links for Amazon Smile or iGive for shopping - we get $$$! And shop for a cause, by purchasing items for which OBG gets a donation!.


Donate what you can to help

Your tax deductible donation provides medical care and temporary boarding for 200 dogs per year.


Twelve months of furry fun! Order your calendar today for $25 plus shippping.  These calendars make wonderful holiday gifts! https://...Learn More

We LOVE hearing about OBG Alums!  One of the greatest parts of rescue, is receiving pupdates - photos and info - on our alums.  Please make...Learn More

OBG beaned up with Grounds & Hounds Coffee to offer a special discount for you, your family and friends! Using Code OBGCR you will receive 15%...Learn More

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